Heating & Cooling
Advanced, intelligent and efficient HVAC control combined with beautiful bespoke interfaces for your home.
What are HVAC controls, and what do they do?
A heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system consists of many devices working together to control a home's environment. There might be what looks like a simple thermostat on the wall, but there is usually a myriad of components behind the scenes working in unison to sustain a room's temperature, humidity and comfort level. The system that controls all of these components is a HVAC system, and yes, we can make it smart!

Why make HVAC smart?
A smart HVAC system allows you to manage your home's environment in many different ways; an example would be a simple thermostat, a touchscreen, an automated schedule, or even voice commands.
Smart systems allow multiple heating sources, ventilation systems and air conditioning units to work seamlessly through automation, making the entire system exponentially more efficient.

Elements of a Smart HVAC System
An intelligent HVAC system will change your home forever, from gorgeous wall controls to the hardcore equipment in the plant room.

Smart Controls
Take control of your environment with an extensive range of intelligent controls; everything from futuristic-looking keypads and touchscreens to minimalistic automated controls matched to your style and decor.

Energy Effeciency
An intelligent heating and cooling system can save significantly by using less energy than a traditional system and also allows you to monitor your energy usage via a display or app.

Precision Temperature Control
Unlike a traditional system that can over or under-shoot its setpoint temperature, a smart heating and cooling system can precisely control its temperature using advanced electronic controls.

Automated & Intelligent
Go one step further than your traditional timeclock; an intelligent system can turn the heating down when a room has been vacant for a set time or turn the heating on when you're on your way home from work.

Panel Design & Build
We design and build our BMS panels off-site for that perfect finish. All of our panels are customised to the project and have built-in safety features and overrides, which are incredibly intuitive to use.

Weather Adaptive
In combination with an external weather station and an online weather report, a smart heating and cooling system can automatically adjust and offset its temperature to outside conditions.
Features of a smart HVAC system
Just some of the great features you can enjoy with an intelligent hating, cooling & ventilation system.
Precision Control
Precise control of your home's environment. No over and under-shooting of the temperature setpoint.
Advanced Scheduling
Auto-detect Presence
Automatically place the heating & cooling system into standby mode when no presence is detected in a room for a while.
App Control
Use your phone or tablet to precisely control the temperature in every room in your home with easy-to-use intuitive interfaces.
An intelligent heating and cooling system has energy efficiency built in at its very core. Start saving money straight away.